“I think it is something that could address … the issue of opening up the election to a greater extent. And so I would vote for it. Yes I would. I think it will come up, once the Province decides to allow ranked balloting at the city council - and I would vote for it.”

Leadership from the mayor is essential to ensuring Toronto City Council elects to make this simple change to make our elections more fair and friendly.

What can you do right now?

Send Mayor Tory a message of thanks via [email protected]

Let the mayor know you appreciate his leadership on an important issue that will bring increased diversity and fairness to our local democracy.

It matters that Mayor Tory hear from as many of us as possible how important his decisive stand to support Ranked Ballots is.

Of course, there is more work to be done to get us over the final hurdles. Stay tuned for new initiatives being launched by the RaBIT team in coming months.

The involvement of people like you was central to getting to where we are today - with the Mayor on board, and the Province on the verge of introducing legislation allowing Toronto to make this historic change - and we will need your help to keep the momentum going!

But first, please send Mayor Tory a message of thanks today.

Katherine, Desmond, and the RaBIT Team

Scary Wheeler


Director of Artistic Research: @SpiderWebShow; Co-Curator: FOLDA (Festival of Live Digital Art); Theatre Director; Assistant Professor; @raptors prognosticator