On June 2, 2022, Ontarians went to the polls to elect their representatives to provincial parliament. During that election, RaBIT held a candidate pledge campaign: we asked every candidate for every riding across Ontario to pledge to work towards restoring municipalities' rights to use ranked ballots for their elections, if they choose to do so. You can see which candidates took our pledge, and what the pledge was. Get to know the people who ran in your riding; do they support a municipality's right to choose how to run their elections?
Read the Candidate Pledge
Find the candidates from your riding who took our pledge
We also reached out to all of the major political parties running in the Ontario election to ask if they would include restoring local choice in their platforms.
Read the responses from the parties
These efforts were just one step in our roadmap to getting the provincial government to restore local choice. We invite you to join us by signing our petition.
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