You can help us bring ranked ballots to Toronto
Ranked ballots can help us have elections that are more fair, friendly, diverse, and inclusive here in Toronto. And you can help us make that happen.
Restore local choice
In 2020, the provincial government took away the ability of municipalities to use ranked ballots in our elections. Learn about how we're advocating for the provincial government to bring choice back to our local elections and how you can use your voice to tell the provincial government they should restore local choice.
Sign the petition
Add your voice to the chorus calling on our elected officials to adopt ranked ballots for Toronto municipal elections.
Keep in touch
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As a grassroot advocacy organization, we’re entirely run by volunteers. Make a gift today or become a monthly donor to help support our work.
Interested in getting involved? We can always use more help! Lend your voice, hands and skills to bringing ranked ballot elections to Toronto.
Join us for an upcoming event: check out what we’re up to and sign up to attend.
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