Summer is quickly winding down and the fall promises to be a big season for our campaign to bring ranked ballots to Toronto municipal elections. But we can’t do it alone! We need your help. 

Upcoming Events

Building on our big success at this year’s Do West Festival, RaBIT will be participating in this year’s Roncesvalles Festival which runs Saturday, September 17 and Sunday, September 18. We need volunteers to help staff our booth at the event. It’s a great way to get involved and meet some of the great people who make up the RaBIT team.

We provide training, materials and some FAQs to help, plus you’ll get to work with some of our board members! It really is an easy way to get started, and takes only a few hours of commitment. 

If this sounds fun to you (and honestly, how could it not!) drop us a line at [email protected] (please put Roncesvalles Festival in the subject line) and join us on Saturday or Sunday, September 17-18.

Toronto Election Pledge Campaign

Once again, we are running a Toronto Election Pledge Campaign for the 2022 Toronto election! 

The 2022 election will be taking place on Monday, October 24 and RaBIT is already working hard to return an even bigger pro-ranked ballot majority to council. If you would like to get involved with our campaign - whether it be by helping on social media or helping coordinate behind the scenes - we’d love to have you join the campaign team. Just get in touch at [email protected] and put “Pledge Campaign” in the subject line. With the nomination period now closed, our work on this project will really ramp up in the coming weeks. 

Next Steps

While the provincial election in June didn’t result in as many pro-ranked ballot candidates getting elected as we would have liked, the campaign did get the issue of ranked ballots for municipalities on the provincial political radar like never before. Three of the four main political parties, representing a substantial majority of all ballots cast, committed to restoring local choice and recognizing municipalities’ right to use ranked ballots for their elections - something that has never happened before. And over 130 individual candidates took our candidate pledge. This success leaves us as hopeful as ever for change.

We know there is more to be done, and that our work doesn’t end with the October municipal election. Thank you for all of your support, and we can’t wait to meet you at one of our events soon!



Sign the petition to bring #rankedballots to #Toronto: and sign up to volunteer: