The following candidates for mayor in the 2022 Toronto election have taken the RaBIT pledge to support ranked ballots:
Chloe-Marie Brown has taken the Ranked Ballot Candidate Pledge
"Create second and third options in democracy."
Drew Buckingham has taken the Ranked Ballot Candidate Pledge
"As a graduate from the department of political science at U of T many years ago I have always championed the idea of ranked ballots. It is an electoral system that that truly represents the will of the people. In Toronto it can often feel that one’s vote actually doesn’t count. I applaud this initiative and support it completely."
- During the 2018 Toronto Election Campaign, Drew Buckingham did not take the RaBIT Candidate Pledge.
Sarah Climenhaga has taken the Ranked Ballot Candidate Pledge
"I hear many people saying they are scared to vote for their favourite candidate or party because they don’t want to split the vote. I hear others try to discourage candidates from running against popular rivals who share some of the same platforms or ideals. And, I hear too much negative campaigning as candidates try to take others down they fear are a threat. Ranked balloting would entirely eliminate the first two problems, and markedly reduce the third, that’s why I’m such a strong advocate and have been for many years."
- During the 2018 Toronto Election Campaign, Sarah Climenhaga took the RaBIT Candidate Pledge.
Phillip D'Cruze has taken the Ranked Ballot Candidate Pledge
"It is much better system when it comes to voting."
Robert Hatton has taken the Ranked Ballot Candidate Pledge
"Ranked ballots appear to allow people to better express their preferences without having to worry about wasting their vote or voting defensively to stop a disliked candidate."
Kris Langenfeld has taken the Ranked Ballot Candidate Pledge
"I support any steps which make government more representative of the will of the people, and Ranked Balloting will have that effect."
- During the 2018 Toronto Election Campaign, Kris Langenfeld did not take the RaBIT Candidate Pledge.
John Letonja has taken the Ranked Ballot Candidate Pledge
"We wanna win! There’s 2 many candidates and we don’t win in the rigged system. Let’s win!"
Gil Penalosa has taken the Ranked Ballot Candidate Pledge
"Ranked ballots provide a voting system that would allow people more confidence in the power of their vote. It would enable more diverse voices to have a chance, and people would not be resigned to strategic voting to avoid the lesser of two evils, thus minimizing vote splitting and the dilution of fresh voices. Ranked ballots are used around the world in many world class cities and I support them as a part of a fairer and more equitable voting system."
John Tory has taken the Ranked Ballot Candidate Pledge
"Mayor Tory has supported ranked ballots – and voted in support of them at City Council - because he believes they will lead to fairer elections and encourage more diverse candidates to run. The Mayor will continue to support ranked ballots."
- On 30 September 2015, John Tory voted in favour of ranked ballots on EX8.1 - Di Ciano - motion 6.
- On 1 December 2016, John Tory was absent from the vote on EX20.5 motion 1.
- On 14 December 2016, John Tory voted in favour of ranked ballots on EX20.5 - Ainslie - motion 1b.
- During the 2018 Toronto Election Campaign, John Tory took the RaBIT Candidate Pledge.
- On 27 November 2019, John Tory voted in favour of ranked ballots on GV5.1 - Carroll - motion 2a, as amended.
- On 23 September 2020, John Tory voted against ranked ballots on EX16.8, Motion 1.
- On 30 September 2020, John Tory voted in favour of ranked ballots on EX16.8, Motion 1 to Amend Item.
Blake Acton has not taken the pledge
Avraham Arrobas has not taken the pledge
Darren Atkinson has not taken the pledge
Elvira Caputolan has not taken the pledge
Kevin Clarke has not taken the pledge
- During the 2018 Toronto Election Campaign, Kevin Clarke did not take the RaBIT Candidate Pledge.
Cory Deville has not taken the pledge
Alexey Efimovskikh has not taken the pledge
Isabella Gamk has not taken the pledge
Arjun Gupta has not taken the pledge
Peter Handjis has not taken the pledge
Monowar Hossain has not taken the pledge
- During the 2018 Toronto Election Campaign, Monowar Hossain did not take the RaBIT Candidate Pledge.
Soaad Hossain has not taken the pledge
Khadijah Jamal has not taken the pledge
Tony Luk has not taken the pledge
Ferin Malek has not taken the pledge
Stephen Punwasi has not taken the pledge
D!ONNE Renée has not taken the pledge
- During the 2018 Toronto Election Campaign, D!ONNE Renée did not take the RaBIT Candidate Pledge.
Kyle Schwartz has not taken the pledge
Knia Singh has not taken the pledge
- During the 2018 Toronto Election Campaign, Knia Singh did not take the RaBIT Candidate Pledge.
Sandeep Srivastava has not taken the pledge
Reginald Tull has not taken the pledge
Jack Yan has not taken the pledge
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