Guess what? As of today (21 February) we’re only 243 days away from the 2018 Toronto Municipal Election on October 22! While that might seem like a long time right now, before you know it, it’s going to be time to cast your ballot.

Don't worry though, we’re already busy working to make sure that we get the positive message about ranked ballots out to as many people as possible. So keep reading for information on our next big event which is taking place in just a few days on Wednesday, February 28th.

The Ranked Ballots Roadshow

As we announced in our last newsletter, RaBIT will be co-hosting the Toronto leg of the 4 city Ranked Ballots Roadshow at 7:00pm on February 28th at the Church of the Holy Trinity at 19 Trinity Square (the closest subway station is Dundas Station but it may be easier to get to the venue from St Patrick Station). If you can come, please RSVP on the Facebook page so we have a sense of numbers.

Note, this is a new location - we had previously said it would be held at the University of Toronto.

The evening will feature Jeanne Massey and Mike Giffins from FairVote Minnesota - one of the most successful ranked ballot campaigns in North America. Cynthia Terrell, the Executive Director of Representation 2020, will also be speaking. Representation 2020 is an organization focused on enabling women to run, win, and lead in elective office in the USA.

We’re also excited to be hosting some more local speakers including:

  • Women Win Toronto - an organization dedicated to preparing women from diverse backgrounds (including trans and gender non-conforming individuals) to run winning campaigns in Toronto's 2018 municipal election.
  • The Open Democracy Project - our co-hosts for the evening and an organization that works to empower everyday citizens to drive change through civic and political action.
  • Dave Meslin from Unlock Democracy - a non-partisan campaign for democratic renewal and political transformation and another co-host of the evening. 

It’s going to be a great evening focused on how we can make Toronto politics work better and we hope that you’ll be able to make it.



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