On this page, you will find a regularly updated list of all the candidates who have registered to run for Toronto City Council in this ward in the 2018 election. We have asked all of them to take the following Candidate Pledge:

As a candidate in the 2018 Toronto election, I pledge that, if elected, I will support, advance, and vote in favour of those actions required for ranked ballots to be used in the 2022 Toronto elections.

Below, you'll see their responses. For incumbent councillors, we've also included a summary of their voting history on ranked ballots. For more detail on our Candidate Pledge campaign, please click here.

Lekan Olawoye has taken the pledge

"With more and more candidates signing up to represent their communities, it’s harder than ever before for voters to choose a single person that represents them. It’s time for a system that reflects the changing perspectives of our voters and their representatives. We also need to continue to engage the community in public consultation to ensure the right electoral system is in place."

Chiara Padovani has taken the pledge

"I support a ranked ballot system because it’s the fairest way to elect our representatives. Ranked ballots are more inclusive and give the voter more choice."

Keaton Austin has not taken the pledge

Deega Barre has not taken the pledge

Joey Carapinha has not taken the pledge

Frank Di Giorgio has not taken the pledge

On October 1, 2015 Frank Di Giorgio voted against ranked ballots on City Council motion 2015.EX8.1 (M6).

On December 1, 2016 Frank Di Giorgio voted against ranked ballots on Executive Committee motion 2016 EX.20.5 (M1).

On December 14, 2016 Frank Di Giorgio voted against ranked ballots on City Council motion 2016 EX.20.5 (M1b).

Fred Fosu has not taken the pledge

Harpreet Gulri has not taken the pledge

Frances Nunziata has not taken the pledge

On October 1, 2015 Frances Nunziata voted against ranked ballots on City Council motion 2015.EX8.1 (M6).

On December 14, 2016 Frances Nunziata voted against ranked ballots on City Council motion 2016 EX.20.5 (M1b).

Cedric Ogilvie has not taken the pledge

Luis Portillo has not taken the pledge