As a grassroots, volunteer-run organization, we're grateful for the support of our donors who help to fuel our work. 

Thank you!


Miriam Anderson
Associate Professor, Politics and Public Administration, Ryerson University
Richard Downe
Director of Data Science at Loblaw Digital
Aaron Binder
Business Owner // Community Builder // Professional Disruptor // @a_strong_canada // @gotourscanada // disrup+ // Clara Gluten Free Water // 🇨🇦
Kelly O'Connor
Grad student thinking about humanitarianism, armed conflict, forced migration, governance, and development economics.
Thomas Kim

Joshua Stein

Mindful Communication Coach / MASc Human Factors Engineering
Paul Butler
Traveler, runner, sailor, and generally curious person.
Nicole Schtscherbina
I'm a devout member of the Church of Memorable Moments, and a fan of Swiss meringue buttercream.
Brian Gottheil
Human resources law. Workplace investigations. HR, management and anti-harassment training. Writing. Democracy. Community. Inspiration.
Chris Cowperthwaite
Entrepreneur & Ground Campaign Expert
6.67408 × 10^(-11)
homo sapiens sapiens. gets involved in things.
Joe Moed

Chartered Accountant by day, skeptic and secular humanist by night. And day also.
Rob Wolvin

Works in Film & Television, Social Media Activist - Responsible Development - Affordable Housing - Relief Line - Human Rights, Founding Director of Vancouver Pride, experience as a local Small Business Owner.
chaitanya Kalevar
MSc MASc MBA "Climate Change in Nuclear Age" book 911- @UN NY @ Rio-Summits 92 & 2012. Walked Hague-Brussels May99 & Rimouski-Montreal May11, GlobalGreens-17 CU
Timothy Ellis
Digital Campaigner at
Miriam Anderson
Associate professor IR @TorontoMet • 2022-2023 Visiting Fellow @lse_wps • Peace negotiations, post-conflict politics • Member @torontorabit @rn_wps • she/her
David Tung
